Above are all the different technologies I used to make my teaser trailer. I will now explain how I used these technologies and learnt new skills from them:
1. I used Corel Video Studio Pro to edit my teaser trailer. I have never done any video editing before so this was completely new to me. I learnt how to trim down clips so that they flow together as a video, distort the visual video, add special effects like black outs and fade outs, add soundtrack with a video and how to fade out soundtrack. I used this software because digital information such as music, film and pictures can be uploaded onto the software with ease to create a trailer or short film. If I did not have the use of a video editing program like Corel Video studio, I would have to edit my film using the analogue technique; which is literally cutting a roll of film to take out the parts you do not want. This would be extremely time consuming and tedious and I would not be able to make quick changes and add in extra material like I have done with this software.
2. I used my laptop for gathering my research and processing my blog. I also used a school desktop computer to edit my trailer as I do not have Corel installed on my laptop. I did not really learn anything new in terms of my laptop because I have had one for such a long time. However, my laptop was essential for the completion of my project; my laptop is able to store huge amounts of information and digital technology such as film, music, audio recordings and word documents. My laptop also gave me access to the internet, so I was able to edit my blog whenever I liked; if I did not have easy access to the internet via my laptop then I would have had to wait for my next media lesson in order to add things to my blog. My laptop also backed up all the digital and written information for this project; if something was to go wrong with the school computers and I lost my work, I would not have to start all over again because the information would be saved on my laptop. I also used my laptop to transfer information to the school computer; video clips that I had filmed over the weekend were transferred from my laptop via a USB cable so that I could resume editing them on Corel Video Studio.
3. The tripod was also a new piece of equipment to me. I had not done any serious filming before so I had never used one. However, I learned how to do different types of shots with the aid of the tripod; it also kept the camera steady while I was filming.
4. I used Google mainly for my research at the beginning of this project. Google gave me access to lots of information within a few seconds; if I did not have this access then I would have to go to a library to get the books I needed which could take hours and would slow my project down a great deal.
5. I used my own camera to take pictures for my magazine and my poster. My camera is a Nikon D3100; it is very easy to use and allows you to take high quality pictures. In the past I mainly used this camera for pleasure; taking pictures of my friends and family. However, I have learnt that taking good pictures fit for a magazine/poster is not as easy as it looks. While doing my magazine and poster I had to change the lighting numerous times to get the perfect picture. I now know that professional photos are taken with many artificial lights which can be brightened or dimmed to compliment the picture.
6. USB cables were essential in transferring all my work from the school computer to my laptop. USB cables are quick and easy to use and were essential in the success of my project. USB cables are able to transfer most forms of digital technology which was ideal for my project as I had various types of data to transfer such as sound, music and video.
7.I used PhotoShop to create and edit my magazine and my poster. I had used this program a little last year for my music and school magazine, but I did not do anything extraordinary. This year I learnt how to edit out unwanted logos, add effects to fonts, change the lighting of a picture and how to insert other images such as bar codes and 18 logos over other images. Without the use of PhotoShop I would have to edit my poster and magazine manually; by sketching in modifications and scanning the image.
8. I used my own video camera to film my project; it is a Panasonic HDC-TM700 HD Camcorder. This video camera shoots very high quality film and the quality of the image does not depreciate when the camera is zoomed. I bought this camera for the purposes of this project as it was very highly recommended for shooting amateur films. This camera has a memory card which allows me to transfer my data from different computers; I found this very useful while transferring videos from my laptop to my school computer.
9. I used YouTube to search for possible soundtracks for my trailer. YouTube is a fast site that has a huge amount of music and videos to choose from. I found what I was looking for on YouTube (28 Days Later soundtrack) but I ended up making an account and putting all possible tracks into a playlist so that they would be saved and I wouldn't have to search for them all over again. If I did not have access to YouTube then I would have either had to listen to samples on iTunes or actually go and buy the soundtrack itself from a store. This would be time consuming and the soundtrack may not even be suitable so I would have wasted money too. As there are so many different music tracks and videos on YouTube I had a very good choice; if I did not have access to YouTube I could have missed out on some really good songs for my trailer.
10. I already had an account with iTunes so this program was not new to me. I used iTunes to buy the soundtrack for my trailer. The cost of the soundtrack was £1.50; it is very important that I did not download any music illegally. The song I downloaded from iTunes was insterted into Corel Video Studio very easily. iTunes is a fast program that works with both Macintosh and Microsoft computers. The songs from iTunes can be played on many programs such as Quicktime, Windows Media Player, Corel Video Studio and many more. Therfore it is very accessible to many people who do do not have a Mac computer or the iTunes software.
11. I used Blogger last year for my AS media project. Therefore I know how to use this program quite well. However, last year I did not upload any videos or links so this was something new that I found I could do on Blogger. I have used Blogger to document my whole project; it is very useful as it is easy to use and displays everything in order. Using blogger has allowed me to include digital technology such as sound, music and video; I could not have done all of these things if I had done a simple essay write-up.
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