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Tuesday 15 March 2011

Evaluation Task 3

What have you learned from your audience feedback?

I have interviewed two people from my test screening that I did a few weeks ago. They were both girls, the first girl is 18 and she is currently in college. The second girl is 19 and she is on a gap year before she goes to university this September. Both girls are within my target audience. These were the only two people from my test audience who were prepared to be interviewed and neither of them wanted to be filmed or have their pictures on the internet so I had to do a recording instead.

Girl 1

Girl 2

I am pleased with the feedback from my audience, their comments have shown that all my products are easily recognizable and they work well together because of the links they have identified. By a promotional package being identifiable, it creates a brand image for the film and this aids in promoting it, which will hopefully encourage other people from my target market to go and see the film when it is released. Branding also sets my film apart from others; these are the techniques used in the professional film industry to promote films. I really enjoyed making the trailer, magazine and poster and I am so pleased at the positive feedback I have received.

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